Friday, August 27, 2010

Out of the Blue

Today I received a call from a very dear friend. Just out of the blue she calls and I am home. It's during the middle of the day when I would normally be out. We haven't seen each other in several years, but it is always easy to start talking as if it were only yesterday that we were together. Do you have a friend like that? Who comes to mind as you read this? Why don't you, just out of the blue, give that person a call. Believe me, it will make not only your friend's day, but yours as well.


  1. Barbara---Why do you think some friends are like that---why do you think there are some you can just pick up where you left off with, even if it has been years or even decades since you last talked or saw each other?

    My friend/sister in France is like that. I'm intrigued what makes those friends different from others...

  2. Maybe the conversations we had in the past were about timeless things. So to be able to pick up from where we left off is easy. The things we talk about are areas we both are growing in.
